Rules and directions to our favorite Hide and Seek games such as the original Hide and Seek, Chain , Squished Sardines, Flashlight Hide and Seek and Kick the Can.
Object of the Game
The object of Hide and Seek is for the person who is "it" to find the other players who are hiding.
What To Do First
Choose who will be "it".
"It" closes or covers their eyes and counts to 50. While "it" is counting the other players scatter and find places to hide. "It" then goes looking for the other players. When he finds one they are out. The last player to be found becomes the new "it".
Chain Hide and Seek
Need: Children and lots of places to hide
Object: To find those who are hidden
First: Choose “it”. Count to 50 while the other children hide.
Play: When “it” finds the first child they link arms (or hold hands)
and go on to find the next person hidden. Each time someone is found
they join the chain. The last person to be found get to choose who’s it
for the next round.
Squished Sardines
Need:Kids and places to hide
Object: Played like hide and seek with a twist.
First: Choose “it”. “It” then hides while all the other children
count to 50.
Play: Players look for “it” and when a player finds
“it” they hide with him. The game ends when all but one person is hiding
with the original “it”. Very fun game! It’s hard to hide quietly with a
bunch of kids together.
Strategy: While looking for it listen for laughter - that will
usually direct you to the hiding spot.
Warnings: It needs to make sure their hiding spot is big enough for
several people.
Kick the Can
Need: Empty can
Object: Like hide and seek only players kick a can to avoid being
First: Place the empty can in a large open area. Choose who will be
“it”. Designate a spot near the can to be the “jail”.
Play: “It” counts to 50 while the other kids hide. “It” then goes
and tries to find the hidden players. When “it” sees a player they call
the players name and location. Then both “it” and the player who has
been caught race to the can and try to be the first one to kick it. If
“it” kicks the can first then the player goes to the “jail”. If the
player kicks the can first the they and all the prisoners in the jail
are free and “it” must count again. If “it” catches all the players then
a new round starts with a new “it”.
Instead of calling out the players name, “it” must tag the kids he
finds and they are sent to the “jail”. Any player who has not been
caught can kick the can (without being caught) and set all the prisoners
After tagging or calling out a players name they have found, “it” must run back to the can, put their foot on top of it and call out “ 1, 2, 3 on ______” (fill in the blank with the players name) before the player who has been found can kick the can from under his foot. This gives the player who is caught 3 additional seconds to get out of their hiding place.
Flashlight Hide and Seek
Need:Flashlights and darkness
Object: “It” seeks hidden children with a flashlight
First: “It” counts to 50 while all other players hide.
Play: “It” takes the flashlight (turned off) and seeks out the other
children. When they find a hidden player “it” turns on the flashlight
and shines the light on them. The child who was found takes the
flashlight (turned off) and goes to find another player who is hiding.
The game can go on for a long time with out counting and hiding all over