Travel Games

Fun games for kids to play while traveling in the car, in a plane or
These are our favorite games to play with the
family while traveling in the car. Do you have a favorite travel
game? Share it with us!
I Spy
What you need to play:
Object of the game:Guess the object someone has spied.
Set up I Spy: One person thinks of an object that is in sight of
everyone playing.
How to Play:After choosing an object the “spyer” says “ I spy something
_____”. The blank is filled in with the color of the object. Children
shout out their guesses of what the item could be until someone guesses
the object. Great game for the car or traveling.
Cow Poker
(replace cow
with sheep, goats ... anything animal that will be abundant on your
Object: Be the first to 100 points by counting
cow and other objects along the way.
Play: Players count cows and other objects (see
below for point system) and try to be the first player to reach 100 points.
Players on the left side of the car can only score points for objects
out the left side windows ... players on the right side of the car can
only score points for objects out the right side window.
Passing a graveyard wipes out all the points you have accumulated so far
- but only if someone from the opposite side of the car yells out
"graveyard - you're busted!".
Point System:
Cows = 1 point each
Solid white cows = 10 points each (must be verified by other team)
Cows outside of the fence = 50 points each
Calf = 5 points each
Running cows = 5 points each
Road Map Hide and Seek
You'll Need: 1 or
2 road maps and pens
Object: Try and find a place on a map chosen by another
Play: First player takes a road map and chooses a
city, road or town on it. They then draw a very small symbol -
such as a "x" or their initials. Then they give the map to the
second player and see how long it takes them to find the first players
mark. If you have two maps then the two players can play together
- both marking their map and then handing it to the other player.
Variation: See how many miles it takes for each
player to find the others mark. First person to 30 miles looses.
Alphabet Game
Be the first one to find objects A through Z
Play: Players look out the windows and try and find letters in the
signs outside from A to Z. They
must name the letters in order starting with A ... and ending with Z.
Once a word is used another player in the car may not use the same word. For
example: For the letter "A" players would look for a word with the
letter "A" and when they find one they would shout out: " A in the
Alabama sign ... or D in the Divided Highway sign ...etc."
First one to Z wins.
Variation: To make the game last longer find letters from A - Z
and then Z - A.
Players take turns saying a
country, city or state - the place they say has to begin with the last
letter of word of the player before them. For example:
Player 1 begins and says "Texas". The second player has to say a
place that begins with "s". The second player says
"Seattle". The third player says "Europe"... and so on.
If a player can't think of a word then they can skip their turn and pass
to the next person. Before the game begins choose how many passes
a player can have before they are out.
Variation: Animal Tag
We also play this game using animals.
The first player says the name of an animal, such as "cow". The
next player has to think of an animal that begins with the last letter
of the first players animal. In this case they would have to think
of an animal who's name begins with a "w" - such as "walrus".
Play continues until everyone in the car is stumped and can't complete
the round. It gets very interesting!